Tuesday, April 3, 2012

And another one down

I haven't done this whole blog thing in a while. My apologies to you who actually keep up with it. I have passed another goal - I am now under 300 lbs!!! Yes!! I just reached this milestone this week. I now weigh 298 lbs. Did you see that 2!! My weight starts with a 2?!?! Crazy!

Today I put on a size 24 for the first time (the first few pictures below). I have never been in a size 24 as an adult. Now... having said all of this, let me tell you exactly what's been going on with me. First of all, let me just say that even though I see the scale going down and I am getting countless compliments every day, I've never felt more fat and unattractive. I know - strange, huh? Maybe it's just a phase, I surely hope so. I do not want to sound unappreciative - I completely understand how fortunate I am. I know that it is a mental hang up, perhaps due to all the attention and stress I've been putting on the scale and watching my body. I've never really paid much attention to my "rolls" or my fat. And now I seem to be examining them constantly,... Oh! I've lost a back roll - seemingly overnight! Anyway - I digress - I think just constantly feeling my body and trying to notice changes is driving me a little batty.

This whole losing weight thing is a strange beast. I honestly cannot see my body shrinking. I think I look pretty much the same. Now, I'm not completely blind - like the before mentioned back roll that disappeared - I can obviously rationalize that if rolls are disappearing and the scale keeps going down, then I'm losing weight. I can tell things feel differently. I can see sagging skin, but it doesn't feel much different than fat. I'm not trying to be a whiney baby - I just want to be completely honest. And surprisingly, losing weight has not solved my money problems, has not cured my personality "hang - ups", and most definitately has not turned everyone else into smart and kind people. Meaning, losing weight is just that. I always thought my whole problem was that I was fat. If I could fix that, my life would be perfect. Guess what? There is no magical fairy that skinny people (not that I am skinny) have to make everything more tolerable. Damn!

That aside, I do have more energy. I notice myself sitting in positions I could not previously convince my body to do. I cross my legs because it's comfortable, I remember wanting and trying so hard to sit with my legs crossed and it just being too uncomfortable. There are also other "actvities" which have significantly gotten more interesting. let's just say my body does a whole lot more than it used to. I am super excited about this whole process. I am humbled by the support I've gotten - I just hope I move through this "not good enough" phase I'm going through right now. I am trying to take this whole period in my life one day at a time and breathe. Enjoy the small things, celebrate my accomplishments, and never ever take for granted what I've been blessed with.


  1. January, you are looking so great! I know it's hard to see the weight loss but believe me and everyone else, IT'S HAPPENING! The same thing is happening to me, the scale says I'm losing but my fat rolls seem bigger to me. It is so weird. But there is a definite change with you girl. You are now the same size as me and I know that we can both get those numbers even lower! I am so proud of you and I know that you will eventually look in the mirror and see the changes :) Love you girl!!

    1. Aww thanks girlie!! :) I wish I could read your blog and see your video from work :( POO!!

  2. Love you cuz, you look great. No there is no magical fairy, I wish there was. Keep up the good work with the positive thoughts.

    1. Thanks honey!! LOVE and miss you!!! xoxoxo

  3. Glad you posted...I think you are doing a great job. I hope you realize that you are a great person and that is what matters, not the size. You are looking great, keep it up, and don't let yourself get you down!!!!
